Minutes of Meeting 26th July

Drafted By TM Susanna-Secretary
Edited by DTM Harlina- Treasury& In House Editor

Meeting Opened at 7pm - Ended at 9.10pm

Hi Fellow Toastmasters, meet u again..
Meeting opened by our President DTM Johan, at 7pm
We had 5 visiting toastmasters from Jakarta Motivators (Lineola), Jakarta Bahasa (Ainy) , Metropolitan ( Amry), Maranatha - Bandung (Yusuf) and from The Innovators Toastmasters Club ( Rudy).
Thank you for visiting us..
In addition, we have 2 guests and 14 JTCers.

Our theme that night was Ha Ha Event, CC Olivia the TOM that night brought a Fun Meeting.
She introduced her team:
General Evaluator (GE) that night was ACB Matthew, his team consisted of :
TM Jay as Grammarian
TM Ika as Timer
TM Toni as ballot counter
TM Jackson as Ah and WOD counter

We had 3 Prepared Speakers:
1. TM Revi delivered His BM1(Ice Breaker, 5-7 min)"My English Journey". He told about his experience on learning English since junior high school. It made us understand his passion of learning English.

2. TM Kardinal delivered his BM5 (Body Language, 5-7 min)"Leadership Through Service" . He told about his experience about servicing as Sergeant at Arms (SAA) at Toastmasters. He open with taekwondo standing demo..very creative.

3. TM Valeriya delivered her BM6 (Vocal Variety, 5-7 min)"Chasing! The Confession of a Shopalchoholic"..she told a story about a woman who likes to shopping, with a dramatical expression.

We had Game Session, led by Game Master DTM Harlina.
We were divided in 3 groups and each group must make drawings about a quote and 1 person spoke about the quote. It was a lot of fun. Speakers were:
TM Jackson
CC Thomas
CC Ainy

We had an educational sharing session by ACB/CL Rudiyanto from The Innovators Toastmasters Club about "How to Make a Humorous Speech with 1 Sentence" . He was the winner of the humorous speech contest on District level in Kota Kinabalu (2003) and first runner up in KL (2006), Malaysia. It was amazing to learn from him that a winner's speech is only made by 1 sentence of his experience.
Everyone can do it.

Then our VP PR Olivia explained her Public Relations program with special events e.g. bowling night that upcoming Thursday 29 Jul 2010 and Lebaran Karaoke in Sep 2010.

She invited us to use and exercise our creative energy and leadership skills to help promote our beloved Jakarta Toastmasters Club through updating the website, putting together newsletters and organizing special events.

Evaluation that day by our seniors:
CC Rini evaluated TM Revi
ACS/CL Harry evaluated TM Kardinal
ACG/ALB Yusuf evaluated TM Valeriya

Hall Of Fame:

Table topics: CC Thomas
Prepared Speech: TM Valeriya
Evaluator: ACG/ALB Yusuf

We had 1 guest comment that he would join our club..Welcome..
Meeting closed at 9.10 pm by our President

Although that day a few role were taken by first timer: Grammarian, Ah and Word Counter, Ballot Counter and ... Toastmaster of the Meeting (TOM), it was a fun and creative meeting…See all of you again next meeting...


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