Minutes of Meeting 13th Januari '14

WoD           : RESOLUTION
Time : 7PM-9.30PM
Attendees                     : 25
Members                       : 14
Visiting Toastmasters   : 5
Guests                          : 6

Opening Remarks : Susanna Jahja, CC, CL                                            
TOM: TM Dora Shinta Siregar
GE: Diana, CC
         Grammarian : Glenn Djangkar, CC
         Timer: TM Eni Rofiatul
         Ballot Counter : TM Indri Lesmana (JaBaT TMC)
         Ah & WoD Couter : TM Barbara Sakura

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.    BM#3      : Get To The Point
      Speaker    : TM Niko Margaronis
      Title        : “Soul Food”

TM Niko talked about there is always a good time for souvlaki. It’s soul food and that’s why it is suitable for all people from all walks of life. An apple an day keeps the doctor away.  He said souvlaki a day will make him happier, his wife happier and his family even more pleased when they are all cooking it together. TM Niko was evaluated by TM Eko Prasetyo CC (From Excellence TMC)

2.    BM#4      : How To Say It
      Speaker    : TM Kashish
      Title        : “The Strangest Place in My Life”

TM Kashish talked about In a culinary adventure we seek something unique, what it is? Its the unique type of food we see and taste it. For his view a culinary adventure is something called unique food like an example of elephant meat. Where normal biengs doesnt consume that , culinary adventure is basically the adventure of tasting types of food,
TM Kashish  was evaluated by TM Irene Widjaya (From Allianz TMC)

3.    BM#5     : Your Body Speaks
      Speaker   : TM Nitesh
      Title       : “The Law of The Garbage Truck”

TM Nitesh talked about Some people are like garbage trucks. They go around with dirt, anger, and frustration. As their dirt piles up, they'll need to dump it somewhere. Sometimes, They'll dump it on you. Don't take ir personally, smile, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their trash, and pass it on to others. Live happy, Live clean
TM Nitesh  was evaluated by TM Dina Novitasari

4.    AM#2     : From AM Story Telling
                    Personal Story
      Speaker    : TM Susanna Jahja, CC, CL
      Title        : “Bring me home”

TM Susanna talked about  how is her Dad fighting in his life till the end of his life, he is a hero for her family.
TM Susanna was evaluated by TM Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL

5.    AM#5     : From AM Speaking to Inform
                    Abstract Concept
      Speaker    : TM Benazir Syahrir, CC
      Title        : “Making friend with anger”

TM Bena talked about anger is a good thing. It becomes bad when we let that anger control us.
Therefore, when we feel the anger, embrace it, deal with it, or even better make friends with it.
TM Benazir was evaluated by TM Rizka Wulandari, CC (from BOA TMC)

6.    AM        : From AM Story Telling
      Speaker   : TM Jason Moi, ACS, ALB
      Title       : “The Man without a heart”

TM Jason talked about being careful for what you wish for; sometimes they might come true. Such a fate fell upon playboy ramon who wished he could give his heart to a girl one day, not knowing that she was a ghost which was capable of taking literally taking his heart away.
TM Jason was evaluated by TM Rakesh Dayal, ACB, CL

II.  Hall Of Fame

TM Indri presented champion trophies to:

Best Speaker : TM Jason Moi
Best Evaluator : TM Dina Novitasari

Congrats to all winners 

III. Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 20th, 2014.

Thanks to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all members for participating in JTC meeting.

Thanks to all Visiting Toastmasters for coming to our club.

See you in next fun and educational theme meeting.

Made by Diana Anggraini

Club Secretary : Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2013-2014


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