Minutes of Meeting 4th August'14

Move Beyond Limits
Word of the Day  : “Rise”

Time                             : 7.00-9.00 PM
Attendees                     :  25
Members                       : 19
Guest                            :   5
Visiting TM                    :   1

Opening Remarks  : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL                                            
TOM                       : Nitesh Gianchandani, CC
General Evaluator  : Diana Anggraini, CC
         Grammarian         : Rakesh Dayal, ACB, CL
         Timer                   : Reza Rizky Pratama, TM
         Ballot Counter       : Maria Yulianti, TM
         Ah & WoD Counter : Barbara Sakura Riawan, TM

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.      BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker     : TM Michael Hardiono
         Title           : “Have It Your Way

TM Michael speech tells about his personal stories when he was told by toher others that most IT guys like Michael are geeks and nerds due to their habit in communication. But he explained some benefits that he has as an IT guy who uses messenger to communicate, such as:
1.    Keep him exist
2.    Keep him smart and multitasking
3.    Save his energy
TM Michael conclude that the most important thing about communication is to have flexible ways of communication, whether we can speak directly or we can use messenger.
TM Michael was evaluated by ACB CL Robert Purnomobagyo

2.      BM#7          : Research Your Topic
         Speaker     : TM Chairil Aditya
         Title           : “Let’s Speak Up!

TM Adit speech tells about his research about fear of public speaking in everyday life. The research begin  when he found a comedian Jerry Seinfeld who said that the fear of public speaking is above the fear of death. To make this assumption stronger, TM Adit add another source from TMVision.org that says from the sample of 3000 of US people, most of them says that “Speaking before a Group” is the number one list of worst human fears, which above the fear of death. TM Adit make a closing statement by telling that all of the Toastmaster are a great people because they always speak up to overcome the fear of public speaking, which is the scariest thing that people ever felt.
TM Adit was evaluated by ACB, ALB Kelvin Soen (from Jakarta Motivators TMC)

3.      BM#10        : Inspire Your Audience
         Speaker     : TM Richie Jimmy Walia
         Title           : “Be A Winner

TM Richie speech tells about his struggle to compete in swimming competition. People said to him he can’t win the competition, but TM Richie always believe that when you always think you can win, then you will be a winner. At the competition, he really wins the competition.
TM Richie remind us that we have to always aim to be a winner, keep learning and never ever give up because hope will always be there, so be a winner.
TM Richie was evaluated by CC Neeraj Khiani.

TM Richie has received the “Competent Communicator” award for his achievement in completing the Competent Communicator Basic Manual. Congratulation TM Richie

II.  Table Topic Session by TM Indah Roesyanto
The participants for the table topics sessions are:

1     TM Tomoyuki

2     Obat (Guest)

3     TM Livia

4     Rakesh Dayal, ACB, CL

Tabel Topics Evaluators are:
 1.   Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL who evaluate TM Tomoyuki and TM Livia

 2.   TM Rivai Budihartono who evaluate Obat and TM Rakesh.

III. Comedy Session by Joke Masters : CC Bahtiar Manurung

IV.  Hall Of Fame
TM Maria Yulianti presented the winning trophies which goes to:

Best Speaker                        : TM Michael Hardiono
Best Table Topic Speaker    : ACB, CL, Rakesh Dayal
Best Evaluator                      : CC Neeraj Khiani

Congratulations to all of the winners

V. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 11th August 2014.

We would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all the role takers who have run the meeting smoothly.

Thank you also for Motivators Toastmaster Club for inviting ACB, ALB, Kelvin Soen to attend our meeting and help our meeting run smoothly.

Last but not least, we would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has come and participate in the meeting.

See you on the next meeting on Monday 11th August 2014

Made by Chairil Aditya Arifin
Club Secretary
Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015


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