MoM 11th May 2015

Healthy Living
Word of the Day   : Strength

Time                               : 7.00 - 9.00 PM
Attendees                       : 19
Members                        : 19

Opening Remarks : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL                                                
TOM                     : TM Livia
General Evaluator  : TM Andreas Kristanto
          Grammarian           : Imung Hikmah, ACB, CL
          Timer                    : TM Tedy Rusdi
          Ballot Counter         : TM Aini
          Ah & WoD Counter : TM Wahyu

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.       BM#1          : The Ice Breaker
          Speaker      : TM Lunardi
          Title            : “Because Healthy is Easy”

TM Lunardi speech tells about the important of being healthy and how easy it is. He shares to us his experience when he was climbing a mountain. Before he joined to climb it with his friends, he thought that climbing was a tiring activity, despite of its healthiness. But after he tried it, he realized that friendships is one of many factors that important in doing a climbing, and that what makes doing a healthy activity is easier.

TM Lunardi was evaluated by Kashish Harjani, CC

2.       BM#1          : The Ice Breaker
          Speaker      : TM Shellyn
          Title            : ”Hometown Built Personality

TM Shellyn speech tells about the culture of Batak in his blood that affects her personality. She share a story about her hometown in Medan, and she tells us how the culture of Batak affect her personality, for example the way she talked, the way she .One of the biggest challenge for people from out of Jakarta is to adapt with Jakarta’s culture.

TM Shellyn was evaluated by Glenn Djangkar, ACB, CL

3.       BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
          Speaker      : TM Abdul Pulungan
          Title            : “Failure is Not Fatal

TM Abdul speech tells about what he learned from his failure. It all begin when he was about to get a scholarship to continue his study, but suddenly he was rejected because certain conditions that not fit for their criteria. He didn’t view this as his own failure, so he decided to join many character building community or activity, one of which is Toastmaster. He believe that behind every failure, there is a chance for us to achieved what we dream of, so don’t see a failure as a fatal to our life.

TM Abdul was evaluated by TM Chairil Aditya

4.       BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
          Speaker      : TM Kartika Pratiwi
          Title            : “Surviving Overseas Study

TM Tika speech was about how to survive studying overseas. Adapting to a new learning environment is not easy task, as she had experienced this herself while studying in Australia. She shared several tips to better prepare ourselves for lectures, assignments, and exams. First is to read and annotate our reading materials. Second is to note and create assignment due date and completion plan. Lastly is to integrate all learning into summary and keep revising them. By applying these study know-how, she was able to survive and succeed in her study journey.

TM Tika was evaluated by TM Akbar

II. Table Topics Session by Kardinal, ACB, ALB
The participants for table topic sessions are:
1.    TM Argo
2.    TM Neo (visiting Toastmaster from Singapore)
3.    TM Willy
4.    Tina (Guest)
5.    Ando (Guest)

III. Education Session by Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, CL titled “Maximising Roles in Toastmaster to Create High Quality Meetings”

III. Hall Of Fame
TM Aini presented the winning trophy which goes to:

Best Speaker                           : TM Kartika Pratiwi
Best Table Topics Speaker     : Ando (Guest)
Best Evaluator                        : TM Chairil Aditya

Congratulations to all of the winners J

IV. Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 18th 2015

We will held a weekly meeting again on Monday, May 18th 2015 in PBTaxand Auditorium at 7PM onwards.

We would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to our TOM and GE who have arrange the meeting and role position, our VPE, our VPM, our SAA and all the speakers and role takers who have arrange the meeting and make it run smoothly.

We also would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has spent their time to come and participate in the meeting.

Last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to PB Taxand for allowing us to use the room and other facilities so we can conduct the meeting.

See you on the next meeting! J

Made by Chairil Aditya Arifin
Club Secretary

Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015


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