Minutes of the meeting 9th of November 2015


The Heroes Within Us

Word of the day: Patriotism

Time: 7-9PM




Opening Remarks: Chairil Aditya, CC

Toastmaster Of The Meeting: Chairil Aditya, CC


General Evaluator: Glenn Djangkar, ACB, CL

Grammarian: Ian Figgins, TM

Timer: Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, ALB

ballot Counter: Christa Sabathaly, TM


Ah/Wod Counter: Noviani, TM


I Prepared Speech Session.

1. Basic Manual#2: Organize Your Speech

Speaker: TM Robby

Title:''Happy Instantly''

TM Robby Talked About, happiness which is a very common topic for all of us TM Robby shared with us from his research regarding people having problems in getting happy with there life which becomes a problem because without happiness people get sad so his message to us was always makesure to maintain your happiness and use the research to get happy instantly 


Evaluated By: Imung Hikmah, ACB, CL


2. Basic Manual#3: Get To The Point

Speaker: TM Felicia Gunadi

Title:''Hero Of Your Life''


TM Felicia Talked about, her personal story regarding her life as a worker in the modern world she told us about her hero in her life after continuously explaining this she told us that the hero in our life's in ourselves because no one is better then ourselves since we know ourselves better then anyone. 

Evaluated By: Rivai, CC



II Table Topics Session.

Lead By: TM Ferry Kurniawan


III Hall Of Fame.


Best Speaker: Felicia Gunadi, TM

Best Table Topics: Derryl, TM

Best Evalutor: Imung Hikmah, ACB, CL


Congratulations To All The Winners!.

we would like to give special appreciation and gratitude to our TOM And GE, who have successfully prepare the meeting and assign meeting roles to members, also to our VPE, VPM and SAA and also to all the speakers and role takers for helping to run the meeting smoothly.
we also would like to give our appreciation for the Members and guest who have spent there important time with us, we hope that you have all enjoyed the meeting.
last but not the least we would like to spread our gratitude to Pb Taxand for providing us with a Awesome place for the meeting.
See you all on our next meeting!.


Made By: Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, ALB
Club Secretary
Jakarta Toastmasters club 2015-2016 


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