Contribute for Nations - MoM 15 August 2016

Contribute for Nations
Attendees : 30 Members – 10 Guests
Word Of The Day: Contribute For Nations
Opening Remarks: M. F. Akbar Datau, CC
Toasmasters Of The Meeting: Fia Mahanani, CC
General Evaluator:  TM Ferry Kurniawan
Grammarian: TM Dinda Mayarani
Timer: TM Dewi Praptiwi
Ah/Wod Counter: TM Maria Yulianti Sinaga
Ballot Counter:  TM Kartika Pratiwi

Prepared Speech Session
1. Basic Manual # 1: Ice Breaker
Speaker: TM Melva Sandra
Speech Title: "Kindness and Forgiveness”
TM Melva said that most of our life we always do kindness to everyone around us, but talking about forgiveness….sometimes it looks so hard to do that.
What she had been through when her childhood change because of her mom died when she was in 2 nd grade elementary and have friend that always did a bad thing to her (bullied her in the class) when she was in junior high, it seems like a nightmare, of course is not an easy for her to forgive both story until she realize that’s the best for her mom, so she would not suffered from her illness anymore and so do to her friend for all that he had done to her just to keep him to forget his diagnosed from Leukemia that he could not stay longer for his life.”At the end i gave my forgiveness to them” she said
Evaluated By: Anthonius Koko Wijanarko, CC

2. Basic Manual #2: Organize your Speech
Speaker: TM Jannie Fahdiana
Speech Title: "Play on Your Strenght, Build on Your Confidence”
TM Jannie shared her experience when she joined workshop called “HR Meet & Talk” that held by Indonesian Society of Human Resource Management or usually called PMSM Indonesia. One of the speaker in the workshop was Mr. Pambudi Sunasihanto, he inspired Jannie so much to always keep her confidence level and also focus on her strength. The concept is to develop people based on their strength.
How to find your strength and use it for your advantage?
Mr. Pam shared us 5 key points to find your strength :
1.       Experiment (to find your strength)
2.       Develop yourself (to be the best in your field)
3.       Use your strength (at your advantage)
4.       Build your confidence (based on your strength)
5.       Find your other strength (and continuously develop your strength at your advantage)
Evaluated By: TM Darmawan Harestya

3.Basic Manual # 3: Get to The point
Speaker: TM Nalal Muna
Speech Title: "The Energy Project””
TM Nalal’s speech is about The Energy Project that help people to balance their work and life. It consists of Body, Emotion, Mind and Spirit Energy that can always be renewed and extended with specific rituals. Balancing work and life can be maintaned by disciplined ourself in specific rituals that make us feel energized physically, emotionally, mindfully and spiritually.
Evaluated By: Richie Jimmy Walia, ACS, ALB

4. Basic Manual # 6: Vocal Variety
Speaker: TM Sisilia Purman Noviani
Speech Title: "Second Chance”
TM Novi believes we hope that we are lucky enough and can get a second chance. Sometimes some of us get it but not everyone as lucky as that. Not everyone can get a privilege of getting a second chance. So think wisely before deciding
Evaluated By: Ivan Nurhadijaya Rahmat, ACB, CL

5. Advanced Manual # 2: Resources for Entertainment
Speaker: M. Fatah Akbar Datau, CC
Speech Title: "Communicate, even it’s uncomfortable”
TM Akbar was sharing about the fear of communicating, especially when humans are doing public speaking. It’s okay to have fear because most of us are not accustomed to do it, so it is scary for us. But it is important to learn communication skills in life because communication is a basic human activity. So he tries to inspire us to learn communication skill and try to communicate even it’s uncomfortable.
Evaluated By: Kardinal, ACB, ALB

Table Topic Session
The table topic session was led by TM Derip Pratomo.

Hall of Fame
Congratulations to the winners:
Best Speaker: TM Sisilia Purman Noviani 
Best Table Topics Speaker TM : Nove (guest)
Best Evaluator: Ivan Nurhadijaya Rahmat, ACB, CL

 Special Announcements
Club Treasurer, TM Magdalena Sihotang, reminds all the JTC member to be prepared in paying their renewal fee for October ‘16 to March ’17 before September 2016.

We would like to thank all the members and guests who have come. We would also like to give special appreciation and gratitude to the TOM And GE, who have successfully prepare the meeting and assign meeting roles to members and also to all the speakers and role takers for helping to run the meeting smoothly.

Made By:
TM Cindy Gamal
Club Secretary
Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2016-2017


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