Minutes of Meeting 18th August '14

MoM 18th August 2014
Word of the Day  : “Liberty”

Time                             : 7.17-9.00 PM
Attendees                     : 26
Members                      : 16
Guest                           : 10

Opening Remarks : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL                                           
TOM                    : Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL

General Evaluator  : Richie Jimmy Walia, CC

         Grammarian           : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL
         Timer                      : Michael Hadiono, TM
         Ballot Counter        : Reza Rizky, TM
         Ah & WoD Counter : Livia, TM

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.      BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker     : TM Juan
         Title           : “Buy Happiness

TM Juan’s speech tells about things that could buy happiness. He mentioned that money is not always become a guarantee to make you happy, but sometimes it will makes you to be more anti-social. Based on some research he found, the reason of what makes people happy are mostly because they spend their money to other people, because the real happiness lies in sharing what you’ve got to each others. TM Juan mentions 3 things to make us happy: “invest” your money to those who needs help and don’t let the money change your personality. TM Juan ended up his speech by making a closing statement “Money can be a blessed or a cursed. It all depends on how you spend it”

TM Juan was evaluated by ACB ALB Susanna Jahja

2.      BM#3          : Get to the Point
         Speaker     : TM Hidayat
         Title           : “Anchoring

TM Hidayat’s speech tells about the learning process in human activities. He informed us that there are many things human can do to always remember what they have learned, not only from what they read, but also from what they smell, what they taste, what they see, what they touch, and even what they do. Based on the research that TM Hidayat found, the most effective in remembering of what you learned is through reading and applied it at the same time, because you are using all of your senses to capture of what you learned and all of these senses will send the information to your brain. This method is what we called “Anchoring”. At the end of his speech, he hopes that this information could revolutionize our way in learning things.

TM Hidayat was evaluated by CC Raisa Ornella Rico

3.      BM#7          : Research Your Topic
         Speaker     : TM Rahmat Hidayat
         Title           : “Homecoming

TM Rahmat Hidayat’s (TM Mato) speech tells about the good things that we get from homecoming (or in Bahasa means “Mudik”). At first, TM Mato felt that homecoming is not an important things to do in Lebaran day, because it’s not only tiring, but also he don’t want to be asked about his marriage plan, his career, and anything else that makes him feels like didn’t want to go home. But based on what his friend’s experience, almost all of his friends were claimed that the benefit of homecoming is that you will find an experience that you will never get when you just stayed in Jakarta, because there are so many interesting places in your original home.

TM Mato was evaluated by DTM Harlina

4.      BM#7          : Research Your Topic
         Speaker     : TM Barbara Sakura
         Title           : “You Don’t Know About That Junk

TM Barbara’s speech tells about some facts that we don’t know about drinking juice. TM Barbara remind us to be more careful about drinking juice. She informed us that the vitamin contained in a juice are sensitive with air and light, so if you want to get the most benefit of vitamin and mineral inside of juice, you have to drink it soon after you make it. Based on the book “Diet to Prevent the Cancer” by Dr. Oz, she informed us to consume vitamin because vitamin is free from calories.

TM Barbara was evaluated by CC CL Dina Novitasari

II.  Table Topic Session by TM Reza Rizky
The participants for the table topics sessions are:
1      TM Indah
2      Deo (Guest)
3      Andrew (Guest)
4      TM Akbar

Tabel Topics Evaluators are:
1.    Chairil Aditya, TM who evaluate TM Indah and Andrew
2.    Rivai Budihartono, TM who evaluate Deo and TM Akbar.
III.  Hall Of Fame
TM Reza Rizky presented the winning trophies which goes to:

Best Speaker                        : TM Hidayat
Best Table Topic Speaker    : Andrew (Guest)
Best Evaluator                      : CC CL Dina Novitasari

Congratulations to all of the winners

IV. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 25th August 2014.

We would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all the role takers who have run the meeting smoothly.

We also would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has come and participate in the meeting.

Last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to PBTaxand for allowing us to use the meeting room and other facilities so we can conduct the meeting.

See you on the next meeting on Monday 25th August 2014 J

Made by Chairil Aditya Arifin
Club Secretary
Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015


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