JTC Minutes of Meeting - 27 November 2006

Attendees: 19 consisting of 12 JTC members, 4 guests and 3 visiting Toastmasters (Excellence, Kebayoran, Mets)

Theme of the meeting: Music: Food for the Soul
Word of the Day: Harmony

President Harry Nizam opened the meeting at 7pm sharp and after guest introductions he passed the control over to the TOM of the evening – TM Tassya.
The moment TOM Tassya stood in front, the speakers in the room blasted out with Madonna’s song – “Music…makes the people come together….” And everyone was asked to stand up, sing and dance around. The music was crucial for the evening’s theme which was all about music. Tassya explained how she thinks music is important for everyone’s soul as it creates emotions, releases tension and can be used as a tool to express ourselves.
After a little dancing around and a brief explanation on the theme, the TOM introduced the General Evaluator – ATM Robert. Mr. Robert had a very inspiring GE team that evening consisting of Grammarian – TM Alistair, Timer – CTM Harry, Ah/WOD Counter – TM Edwin and Ballot Counter – DTM Nono. They all worked together in harmony.

A traditional song from Siti Nurhaliza, Cindai, lead the meeting into the first session – Table Topics. The TOM introduced TM Thomas as the Table Topics Master. He asked every table topic speaker to sing their favourite song and also elaborate questions and/statements regarding music:
TM Tom from Mets Club sang James Brown’s “I feel good” and said that if he became a manager of a band, he would do whatever it takes to harmonize the band until they found their soul.
CTM Ermy from Excellence sang a cute Chinese song and said that if she became a diva, she will travel around the whole world and become rich and famous.
Guest Kunto sang ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’ and said that he likes to sing songs with his children, Guest John sang ‘Halo-halo Bandung ’ and he chose that song because he went to Bandung during the weekend, Guest Utami sang ‘Balonku’ and said she prefers to be a vocalist in a band so she can go solo anytime

After the Table Topics session, a classical song filled the room and the meeting continued to the Prepared Speech session where we heard the speeches from the following:
1. TM Antari – BM#1 (The Ice Breaker) Title: “Making Decisions”
Now we all know that TM Antari can design clothes and she shared with us

how she made the decisions in her life
2. TM Astuty – BM#10 (Inspire Your Audience) Title: “Edelweiss of

Networking” Astuty spoke about networking and told us how to broaden our
networking, like what her father told her. Congratulations on achieving your
CC, Astuty!! (Competent Communicator) TM Astuty has completed her Basic
Manual of 10 speeches.
3. CTM Ermy – AM#3 (Humourous Speaking Manual – Make them laugh)

Title: “When I was Young” Ermy from Excellence Club delivered a funny
speech sharing with us stories when she was young.

Following the Prepared Speech session, a song from Linkin Park , a rock band, screamed out of the speakers leaving people either mesmerized or shocked. However, that didn’t stop the GE, ATM Robert, to lead the Evaluation session. The individual evaluators did a tremendous job with their evaluations:
- ATMB Intan evaluated TM Antari
- CTM Wivina evaluated TM Astuty
- DTM Harlina evaluated CTM Ermy

Then, the GE team gave their respective reports and after Mr. Robert’s own report, he returned the control to the TOM.

The meeting adjourned after the announcement of the favourites in the Hall of Fame (supported by an instrumental musical interlude):
Table Topic Speaker – TM Tom
Prepared Speaker – TM Astuty
Evaluator – ATMB Intan

Minutes prepared by :

Natassya Paramita
JTC Secretary 2006-2007


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