Minutes of JTC Meeting, 8 September 2008

This week’s meeting was an unusual meeting, because we had humorous and evaluation speech contest. This contest aimed to select our club’s representatives in the Area Contest. But it was also a good event where members could learn about competition and better speeches. We had 29 attendants, including several guests.
After 5 minutes recess, the president opened the meeting and then gave the control to the Contest Chair/Toastmaster of the Contest (TOC). Our Contest Chair/Toastmaster of the Contest (TOC) was none other than TM Jhonson. He then explained the objectives and some main rules of the contest. After that, he introduced the Chief Judge, TM Imung. She explained the requirements to be eligible for participating in the contest.
The first contest conducted was the Humorous Speech Contest. This is the part where the contestants presented speeches with humorous content. There were five contestants. TM Matthew explained why we should play more computer games. TM Astuty explained how her mood influences her sentiment toward kids. TM Yeni compared pairs of shoes with men. TM Ivan related his experience in India where his friend suddenly disappeared in the middle of a marketplace. All of the audience was amused by their speeches and we all laughed. If you weren’t there, you really missed a lot.
The second contest was the Evaluation Contest. Five members competed in this contest: TM Robert, TM Vanessa, TM Astuty, TM Ivan, and TM Dyah. All contestants for the Evaluation Contest were to listen to a speech, delivered by a sample speaker, and then made an evaluation based on it. The sample speaker was TM Indriaty, who delivered her speech titled “Little Bags, Big Impacts”. After the speech, all contestants left the room and then were called one by one to present their evaluation.
After each contest, the participators were invited on stage to be interviewed by the TOC. Most of them were asked to describe their interests or accomplishment. While at the same time, the ballots were collected and counted. The Judges in this contest were : TM Alistair, TM Wivina, TM Harlina, TM Etta, TM Johan, TM Stephen, and TM Siska. TM Prima and TM Harry were the SAA; TM Kathy and TM Thomas were the timers.
Then the hall of fame was announced. For the humorous speech contest, the winner is TM Yeni. The first runner up is TM Matthew. For the Evaluation Contest, the winner is TM Vanessa. The first runner up is TM Robert, and the second runner up is TM Dyah. Congratulation to all! The winners and first runner ups are going to compete in the area level, on 15th of September 2008, at our usual club’s meeting. So, be there! By the way, the fee will be Rp 35.000,-, because there is going to be some additional provisions (I guess).
At the end of the meeting, there were several announcements. Members’ semi-annual dues are being collected, so be sure you pay yours. The September’s issue of our newsletter is out. We’re sending that through the mailing list pretty soon, but the hard copy is already available. There is a need for a webmaster to maintain our website. Anyone wants to get involved with the website project can contact TM Imung for further information.
Well, that is all for now. See you all next Monday!

Dyah Yasmina
JTC Secretary 2008-2009


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