James Gwee Seminar: DTM Harlina's Report

Dear All,

Went yesterday to a 1 day seminar, given by James Gwee in Pekan Raya Jakarta, Kemayoran… 2300 attendees… . Great Event Organizer.. except for

the MC whose voice I could hardly understand (and it is not the fault of the microphone)…

James Gwee is a Singaporean who gives seminars in mixed Indonesian and English… he gave more than 1200 in house trainings…
Slides are in English, but the humor is typical Indonesian…

In this seminar , he took wisdom from lots of sales guru’s:

Some kata kata mutiara:
Hammer forges steel but shatters glass . (Shiv Kheera)…

Are you steel or are you glass ? So stop blaming the hammer !
(bila bertekad mirip steel, makin dihajar, makin dibentuk)

You always have a choice (Shiv Kheera)…but choose wisely, because the consequence of our choice controls us and we are no longer free

Life is like a cafeteria line (Zig Zagler)… There are many lines to choose from. On each line there are many choices, you are free to choose.. (there is the employee line, the self employed line, the business man line and the investor line…) After you made your choice, you PAY FIRST, THEN you EAT …

(you learn first , then you earn).

What you have achieved is important.
But WHO you have become is even more important. (Jim Rohn)…

What do you want people to remember you by ?

The Rule of Farming (Shiv Kheera)… (ini agak di persingkat) :

Plant first, take care of it. Don’t’ rush the process, wait (delayed gratification), then there is harvest (not always).. and there are unforeseen factors (so it is not yet your time)… “It’s the law of nature “

Discipline is the bridge between thought and achievement (Jim Rohn)…

Mood or no mood, just do it , and the mood will follow
(note from harlina : does this apply also in the bedroom ??)..

Your best skills have brought you where you are today…

your weakest skill will limit your ability to go higher (Brian Tracy).

BUT What I like most is from Jay Abraham: free interpretation , not

100 % precise quotation:
Business (selling ) is a process of which results of some steps must be MEASURABLE .. so that the process can be improved !!

In other words… don’t just check the year end report of your kid at school.. but also check the results of the homework and tests at different times of the year.. so that you can you know how to improve their performance or check and interfere when performance goes the wrong way..



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