Minutes of 07 December 2009 Meeting

Good morning, fellow Toastmasters! !

How’s your week so far?

Well, last Monday night we had a splendid meeting! For the first time since months, the number of members coming to the meeting is much more than the number of our guests; 17 members and 1 guest!

Well one of our regular visiting guest, Rini, has actually paid and will soon be
formally known as TM Rini J

At the beginning of the meeting, Club President ACB Matthew interviewed our long lost TM fellow, CC Alistair. Sadly that night was his last JTC meeting as he is going to go back to New Zealand for good on the coming Friday. CC Alistair was our former Club President and has been living in Indonesia for 10 years.

Performing charmingly like Jim Carey that night (as commented by our one and only guest, so this is not my opinion! And I’m not sure that Jim Carey is charming either), was none other than our TOM, ACB Johnson. Just like the theme that night, Spontaneous, he splendidly lighted up the ambience with his never ending energy. According to him, spontaneous is love. You do things spontaneously because you love it.

(sigh…ACB Johnson surely has never tried what we called retail therapy, where shopping could just lighten up girls’ mood. I’m not sure I do it out of love….it’s more out of necessity. Well, maybe he’s right… I do love myself, and I do need some retail therapy sometime…)

Moving on..

TM Fathia was the GE for that night, very much supported by her team who volunteered spontaneously. TM Olivia splendidly prepared herself as The Grammarian. TM Alistair happily took the role of Ah& WOD that night, TM Kardinal voluntarily became The Ballot Counter, and TM Robert spontaneously became The Timer 5 minutes before he explained his role. What a splendid team! (yes, I’m using SPLENDID many times because that was the word of the day).

Delivering Table Topic Session very chattily that night was TM Yuli. She handed us a paper that reminded us there’s a lot of public holidays in December. In this session,
• TM Tomas shared that he would love to have a private party with celebrities (surely you can’t have the details..cause it’s private party) if he had a private island.
• Guest Beauty told us that she loved cooking and enjoyed going to supermarket, for her year end sale.
• TM Hotma dreamt of going on traveling around the world if he had a 3 month holiday.
• TM Jackson shared about his year end vacation with his family in Hawaii.

Btw, what were the things that you did spontaneously and felt great about it?
• TM Robert glad that he spontaneously proposed to his wife.
• Soon-to-be-inducted TM Rini never regret her decision to change her job spontaneously.
• TM Fathia somehow loved the spontaneously- decided tight scheduled spa vacation.

What about you??

Our prepared speakers for that night were:
• TM Selvi, delivering her BM#2, titled The Success Formula.
• TM Ronny, delivering his BM#10 (YEY RONNY!!) talked about how Toastmaster had helped him a lot at work in his speech ‘STAND UP’.

And who were the Best of The Best?
• Best Table Topic Speaker : TM Jackson
• Best Speaker : TM Ronny
• Best Evaluator : ACB Matthew

Just a reminder for all of us that NEXT MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2009 is going to be our last meeting this year. We will have International Contest in February 2010.


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