Minutes of Meeting JTC 22nd July 2013

Humorous Contest and Speech Evaluation Contest

Date : 22 July 2013    Time : 7PM-9.30PM

Attendee: 60 Participants
Contestant for Evaluator Contest: 5
Contestant for Humorous Contest:  7
Members: 26 Participants
Visiting: 30 Participants

SAA : Prawira from Motz TMC
Contest Chair : Suryani TM 
Cotest Toastmaster : Imung Hikmah, ACB, CL

I. Evaluator Contest
Contestant :

1.   TM Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL

2.   TM Dina Novita Sari

3.   TM Neeraj Khiani, CC

4.   TM Thomas Alfiandes, ACB

5.   TM Benazir Syahril, CC

Sample Speaker : Olivia Magdalena Sumtaky from Jakarta Bahasa Toastmasters
Olivia talked about “we have to keep moving. Although we meet many uncertainities”. Sometime, when we keep moving, we get tired. But don’t give up. She delivered her personal story, when she lost in forest, when climbing the mountain.

II. Humorous Contest
Contestant :

1.   TM Dina Novita Sari

2.   TM Benazir Syahril, CC

3.   TM Diana Anggraini

4.   TM Martha Octavi

5.   TM Ivan Rahmat

6.   TM Thomas Alfiandes, ACB

7.   TM Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL

1. Contestant : TM Dina Novita Sari – Title : He is Unique
TM Dina her speech is about 2 unique guys in her life. Which are her father and her boss, her boss is from Malaysia talked that she should wore high heels to make her more beautiful. In addition her boss also ever joins Jakarta Toastmaster meeting because he thought Dina not good enough in English.
The second guy is her father, who is protect her from any guy. Her father doesn’t allow her to have boyfriend before finish college.

2.  Contestant : TM Benazir Syahril, CC - Title : Double Edged Sword
TM Bena talked about Keep speaking up despite the bad consequences that might happen.

3. Contestant : TM Diana Anggraini - Title : Mom, you have a power, use it
TM Diana talked about She has a power, the power of smile. She talked about if you have a problem, don’t panic just try to smile, calm so you can think clearly to solved your problem.
4. Contestant : TM Martha Octavi - Title : Languange can be so wrong , silly experience in Malaysia
TM Martha talked about Learn the languange before going to overseas or new place.

5.  Contestant : TM Ivan Rahmat - Title : Love is ……
TM Ivan talked about love is…… depending on perspectives of each person. But Love comes within, so you don’t need somebody to love or beloved. But if you feel single and happy, than fell free to contact TM Ivan. Because being double certainly will double your happiness.

6.  Contestant : TM Thomas Alfiandes - Title : Conquer your enemy with love
TM Thomas attempted to good friends with co-workers and tried to remain friendly. He closed his speech by told us that in the end they become a good friend.

7.  Contestant : TM Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL  - Title : OMG I’m 65
TM Robert talked about Just enjoy your life. How TM Robert enjoy his life after the surgery of golden ring at his heart, and how he enjoy toastmaster journey.

III.  And The Winners are …….

Evaluator Contest      :
1st Place : Benazir Syahril, CC
2nd Place : Neeraj Khiani
3th Place : Dina Novita Sari

Humorous Contest     :
1st Place : Benazir Syahril, CC
2nd Place : Thomas Alfiandes,
3th Place : Ivan Rahmat

Congrats to all today winner

IV. Our next meeting is on Monday, July 29th, 2013.

See you in next fun and educational meeting.

Made by Diana Anggraini
Club Secretary : Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2013-2014


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