MoM 19th January 2015

Inspiring Others, Inspiring Yourself
Word of the Day   : Inspiration

Time                               : 7.00 - 9.00 PM
Attendees                       : 29
Members                        : 19
Guest                             : 10

Opening Remarks : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL                                                
TOM                     : TM Pudji Astuti
General Evaluator  : TM Chairil Aditya
          Grammarian           : TM Maria Sinaga
          Timer                    : TM Noviani
          Ballot Counter         : TM Harlan
          Ah & WoD Counter : TM Larasati

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.       BM#1          : The Ice Breaker
          Speaker      : TM Robby Luthfiansyah
          Title            : “My Life in A Snapshot”

TM Robby tells a story about himself. He currently works as a consultant at PBTaxand. He loves to go to a music concert. His dreamt concerts were Coldplay, U2, Robbie Williams, The Killers, Jason Mraz and John Mayer. He always went to watch movies every weekend. He quotes from Forrest Gump movie that “Life is like a box of chocolate; you’ll never know what you’ll get but there’s always some sweet sugary stuff in it. In his own words, life is full of optimism and it concentrates on the brighter days ahead despite the obstacles that life would bring. And believe or not, positive energy is contagious.

TM Robby was evaluated by Richie Jimmy Walia, CC

2.       BM#3          : Get to the Point
          Speaker      : TM Ajay koka
          Title            : “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

TM Ajay speech tells about Steve Job’s quote and the story behind it. Staying hungry can be interpreted as stay eager and always be ready to learn and Stay foolish is to be ready to do and try new things. He also mentioned the importance of the balance of career and family. He concluded it by telling audience to be childish in learning and always be enthusiastic to learn and try new things.

TM Ajay was evaluated by Robert Purnama, ACG, CL

3.       BM#3          : Get to the Point
          Speaker      : TM Kushboo Harilela
          Title            : “Alchemist

TM Kushboo speech tells about the relation between alchemist and our life. Alchemist has 7 hermetic principles that relate to our life:
1.    Mentalist – Its about how everything is one, all that is interconnected in oneness
2.    Correspondence – is how your outer world is a reflection to your inner world
3.    Vibration – is to see matter in terms of frequencies as we are all made up from the same universe
4.    Polarity – it’s about dualism good and evil, tall and short, etc. Everything in this world exists having its own opposite, but its just two side of the same coin.
5.    Rhythm – How everything in this world have their own rhythm and everything is a movement
6.    Cause and Effect – as known as Karma
7.    Gender – Masculine and feminism energy both exist in every individuals

TM Kushboo was evaluated by Kashish Harjani, CC

II. Table Topics Session by Koko Wijanarko, CC
The participants for the table topics session are:

1.    Prijo Handojo, ATMB
2.    TM Ginda
3.    Andre (Guest)
4.    TM Dewi
5.    Henrietta Kristianto, ATMB

The evaluators for all the table topics speakers was Rivai Budi Hartono, CC

III. Hall Of Fame
TM Harlan presented the winning trophy which goes to:

Best Speaker                           : TM Robby Luthfiansyah
Best Table Topics Speaker     : Henrietta Kristianto, ATMB
Best Evaluator                        : Kashish Harjani, CC

Congratulations to all of the winners J

IV. Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 26th 2015 at Rempah Iting Restaurant

Due to one and another condition, we would like to announce you that on Monday, 26th January 2015, we will temporarily move and conduct our meeting in:

Venue            : Rempah Iting Restaurant
Address        : Jl. Sunda No. 7 (behind Harvest Cake, Sarinah)
Time               : 7 pm – 9pm

We would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to our TOM and GE who have arrange the meeting and role position, our VPE, our VPM, our SAA and all the speakers and role takers who have arrange the meeting and make it run smoothly, especially thanks for our senior members TM Henrietta Kristianto, ATMB and TM Prijo Handjojo, ATMB who have spent their time to join the meeting, and also for other guest from PBTaxand.

We also would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has spent their time to come and participate in the meeting.

Last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to PBTaxand for allowing us to use the meeting room and other facilities so we can conduct the meeting.

See you on the next meeting ! J

Made by Chairil Aditya Arifin
Club Secretary

Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015


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