MoM 25th May 2015
Word of the Day : Sustain
Time : 7.00 - 9.00 PM
Attendees : 31
Members : 21
Visiting Toastmasters : 1
Guests : 9
Opening Remarks
: Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL
TOM : Ivan Rachmat, CC, ALB
General Evaluator : TM Fadli
: TM Novi
Timer : TM Shelyn
Counter : TM Dea
Ah &
WoD Counter : TM Pudji
I. Prepared Speech Session
1. BM#1
: The Ice Breaker
Speaker : TM Argo
: “Global Communication”
TM Argo speech tells
about his willingness to always learn to speak English. When he was in a high
school, he always wanted to improve his English by joining many English clubs,
but apparently as time goes by, he was too busy with his formal education. He
glad that he has found the Toastmaster club, a place where he can improve his
English while he can more focus of his job, because its has more suitable hour.
TM Argo was evaluated by Kardinal, ACB, ALB
2. BM#1 :
The Ice Breaker
: TM Wahyu
Title :
”A Brief of Me”
TM Wahyu tells
a story about the meaning of his name. The name “Wahyu” means that a guidance
to the right path. TM Wahyu graduated from UI majoring Law. He wants to
continue his study to MBA School, because he believe that he has more potential
than just being a lawyer. He quoted from Steve Jobs in reaching a success in
his life “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”.
TM Wahyu was
evaluated by Yoshie Yamamoto, ACG, ALB
3. BM#8 :
Get Comfortable With Visual Aids
: TM Akbar
Title :
“Way of Unifying Life Energy”
TM Akbar speeches tells about
the origins of “Aikido”. He explained the meaning of Aikido:
“ai” – joining, unifying, combining, fit
“ki” – spirit, energy, mood,
“do” – way, path
So Aikido means "the way of unifying life energy". He also explained about all the move style in
Aikido and he shared about the connection between Aikido and his life.
TM Akbar was
evaluated by Glenn Djangkar, ACB, CL
II. Table Topics
Session by Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, CL
The participants for table topic sessions are:
1. TM Ucok Pulungan
TM Lunardi
3. TM Raisa
4. Ivan (Guest)
5. Naya (Guest)
6. Christopher (Guest)
III. Hall Of Fame
TM Dea presented the winning trophy which goes to:
Best Speaker : TM Wahyu
Best Table Topics Speaker :
TM Raisa Ornella Rico
Best Evaluator : Glenn Djangkar, ACB, CL
Congratulations to all of the winners J
IV. Our next meeting will be on Monday, June 1st
We will held a weekly meeting again on Monday, June 1st 2015 in
PBTaxand Auditorium at 7PM onwards.
We would like to give our
appreciation and gratitude to our TOM and GE who have arrange the meeting and
role position, our VPE, our VPM, our SAA and all the speakers and role takers who
have arrange the meeting and make it run smoothly.
We also would like to give our
appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has spent their
time to come and participate in the meeting.
Last but not least, we would
like to extend our gratitude to PB
Taxand for allowing us to use the room and other facilities so we can
conduct the meeting.
See you on the next meeting! J
Made by Chairil Aditya
Club Secretary
Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015