MoM 4th May 2015

Socialite Life
Word of the Day   : Glamorous

Time                               : 7.00 - 9.00 PM
Attendees                       : 19
Members                        : 19

Opening Remarks : Glenn Djangkar, CC, CL                                                
TOM                     : Raisa Ornella Rico, CC
General Evaluator  : TM Robby Luthfiansyah
          Grammarian           : Livia, TM
          Timer                    : Grace, TM
          Ballot Counter         : Sella, TM
          Ah & WoD Counter : Tika, TM

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.       BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
          Speaker      : TM Pudji
          Title            : “Do More, Expect Less, Get More”

TM Pudji speech tells about her business trip in Pekalongan. She had learned many lessons from it. Al lesson to strive hard to reach things as expected and never worry about the result. As a wise man says, do your best and let God do the rest.

TM Pudji was evaluated by TM Barbara Sakura

2.       BM#3          : Get To The Point
          Speaker      : TM Magdalena
          Title            :”Blessed Trouble Maker

TM Lena speech tells about her mistakes in office and how to deal with it. In life we used to make mistakes, but some people nowadays are more easily to give up. She learned from her bosses that if we make mistakes, just face it because we will never learn if we never make a mistake. Also, if we make a mistake, don’t just focus on the problem, but more focus on the solution.

TM Lena was evaluated by Glenn Djangkar, ACB, CL

3.       BM#9          : Persuade With Power
          Speaker      : TM Chairil Aditya
          Title            : “Let’s Support Our Scientist

TM Adit speech tells about scientists in Indonesia who didn’t get much appreciation in their own country, for example the invention of electric cars. Indonesia still has a long way to go to improve their innovation in technology and science. TM Adit gave three solutions for it: Support our science extracurricular in school, build more science park, and speak up to the government to support our scientist.

TM Adit was evaluated by Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, CL

II. Education Session by Dina Novita Sari, CC, CL titled “Mentoring”
The delivery of this education marks TM Dina for achieving her ALB title. Congratulation TM Dina J !

III. Table Topics Session by TM Ginda Bastari
The participants for table topic sessions are:
1.    TM Reza
2.    TM Lunardi
3.    TM Wahyu
4.    TM Sella

IV. Hall Of Fame
TM Sella presented the winning trophy which goes to:

Best Speaker                           : TM Magdalena
Best Table Topics Speaker     : TM Wahyu
Best Evaluator                        : Richie Jimmy Walia, ACB, CL

Congratulations to all of the winners J

V. Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 11th 2015

We will held a weekly meeting again on Monday, May 11th 2015 in PBTaxand Auditorium at 7PM onwards.

We would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to our TOM and GE who have arrange the meeting and role position, our VPE, our VPM, our SAA and all the speakers and role takers who have arrange the meeting and make it run smoothly.

We also would like to give our appreciation and gratitude to all of the members and guests who has spent their time to come and participate in the meeting.

Last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to PB Taxand for allowing us to use the room and other facilities so we can conduct the meeting.

See you on the next meeting! J

Made by Chairil Aditya Arifin
Club Secretary

Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2014-2015


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