Minutes of Meeting: 16 February 2009

Hi, everyone! Anything new today?

Did you come to our last meeting? Well, there were 16 people came, including two guests. The theme of our last meeting was “Life Transformer”. It was chosen by the Toastmaster of the Meeting, CTM/CL Imung, because she believes that Toastmasters has transformed her life. She explained that Toastmasters has helped her to be more social and to gain success in terms of career and achievements. By choosing the theme, she asked all members to make JTC as a vehicle of change to be better.

The General Evaluator was CC Dyah. She was helped by her team which consisted of : DTM Harlina as Grammarian, TM Ronny as timer, Guest Quarina as Ballot Counter, and of course, she can help herself — CC Dyah, was also as the Ah & Word of the Day Counter. The word of the day was “to revamp”.

The Table Topics Master was TM Siska. She used slides to show quotations, from which a speaker had to compose an impromptu speech. All quotations were related to the theme, a transformer … and some of them were related to Transformers, the movie! Five people delivered a speech: DTM Arlan, CC Thomas, TM Sunardi, Guest Cahyawan, and ACB/ALB Johan.

There were three prepared speeches. TM Taufan delivered his BM#5 titled “Complete Idiot’s Guide to Approaching Women”. He was evaluated by CTM/CL Imung. CC Thomas delivered his AM#2 from “Speaking to Inform” Manual titled “Challenge Yourself”. He was evaluated by ATMB Sitepu. CC Matthew delivered his AM#1 from “Special Occasions” Manual, titled “Romeo and Juliet”. He was evaluated by ACB/ALB Johan.

We had an additional session by DTM Harlina. She explained about the international contests: basic rules of an international speech contest, the way they judge a speech, and preparation of a speech. She also presented a video of the winner of the last District 51 speech contest. Well, I learned a lot from that speech!

And now, for the hall of fame: CC Matthew was the best prepared speaker and ACB/ALB Johan was the best table topics speaker and the best evaluator. Congratulations to all!

So, what’s new today? We do hope that Toastmasters can be a transforming agent that brings betterment to your life. All of our meetings are designed for the purpose of practice, thus creating a learning experience. That’s why all of you, as always, are invited to join JTC’s meeting every Monday. See you there!

Dyah Yasmina
Club Secretary


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