Minutes of Meeting 16th June ‘14

WoD           : LOVE

Time                             : 6.30-9.30PM
Attendees                     : 28
Members                       : 19
Visiting TM                    : 5
Guest                            : 4

Opening Remarks : ACB ALB Susana Jahja                                            
TOM: TM Khushboo Harilela

GE: CC Nitesh Gianchandani

         Grammarian : TM Reza Rizky Pratama
         Timer: TM Akbar
         Ballot Counter : TM Kashish Harjani
         Ah & WoD Couter : TM Maria Yulianti
Table Topic Master : Diana Anggraini, CC

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.      BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker     : TM Harsono
         Title           : “When I am Learning a New Language

TM Harsono talked about he learnt some languages (beside his native (javanese), English and Bahasa), they are : Arabic,
He realized that when we learning a new language, we can understand the other culture. We dont need to be totally fluently or act like their way in our life. The reason why God makes us differents is to know and understand each others.
TM Harsono was evaluated by Isyani Noviasellie (ACB, ALB)

2.      BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker     : TM Haris Fatah (TM Harfa)
         Title           : “Lesson from a Small Guy

TM Harfa talked about small guy can also be very successful.
How is that? By applying these three steps:
1.       Understand exactly where you at and who you are at the moment.
-          Your true self
-          Your strengths
-          Your weaknesses
2.       Understand what had been done and had been through by successful        person
-          Passion
-          Work Ethic
-          Focus
-          Persist
3.       Dare to double their effort to make yourself a very successful person  
-          Always do your extra miles in everything you do
TM Harfa was evaluated by TM Mato

3.      BM#3          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker      : TM Daisy Suparman
         Title            : “Commitment

TM Daisy talked about  the lesson which she had from a preaching in her friend holy matrimony. The priest addressed that the most important thing in life, especially marriage life is a commitment. Commitment is to keep a pledge or promise which we have made to ourself, others, or God. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuse, only result.
TM Daisy was evaluated by TM Chairil Aditya

II.      Table Topic Session

TM Diana Anggraini, opened the table topic session with an explanation about what exactly table topic session is and made a joke for everyone.

There were 5 Table Topics Speakers :
1.  Member           : TM Mato 
2.  Member           : TM Sitepu
3.  Guest              : Globind
4.  Member           : TM Neeraj
5.  Guest              : Adistya

III.  Spesial Session
         CC Christian : “SHINE on ME”
         Edu Session on The Evaluation Speech

IV.  Hall Of Fame
TM Khasish Harjani presented champion trophies to:

Best Table Topic Speaker Speaker        : TM Neeraj Khiani
Best Evaluator                                         : TM Mato

Congrats to all winners 

V. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 23th  June 2014.

Next Meeting we have Special Edu Session on Toastmasters Ettique” by Robert Purnomobagyo, ACG, CL

Thanks to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all members for participating in JTC meeting.
Thanks to all Visiting Toastmasters for coming to our club.

See you in next fun and educational theme meeting.

Made by Diana Anggraini
Club Secretary : Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2013-2014


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