Minutes of Meeting 2nd June ‘14


Word of The Day :
Time                             : 6.30-9.30PM
Attendees                     : 78
Members                       : 35
Visiting TM                    : 33
Guest                            : 8

Opening Remarks : ACB ALB Susana Jahja                                            
TOM: CC Diana Anggraini
GE: TM Barbara Sakura
         Grammarian : TM Richie Jimmy Walia
         Timer: TM Manzili Awal (Essential TMC)
         Ballot Counter : 1. TM Reza Rizky Pratama  2. TM Akbar
         Ah & WoD Couter : TM Chairil Aditya

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.      BM#2          : Organize Your Speech
         Speaker     : TM Khushboo Harilela
         Title           : “The Game

TM Khushboo talked about  we are all playing under one game, the game of life? How do we win? First is  knowing the game we're playing. Next is keeping our self fit and healthy for the game. Lastly, to believe in our self. It is up to us whether we want to play the game, or let the game play us.
The game of life
TM Khushboo was evaluated by TM Nitesh Gianchandani, CC

2.      BM#4          : How to Say It
         Speaker     : TM Tedy Rusdi
         Title           : “Late is Failure”

TM Tedy talked about If we really want something great happen in our life, do action soon don't be late to reach catch what we really want  it. Because we never know when our time is end up, If we love someone tell it now do not delay or later because sometimes later becomes never. Our future star today not tomorrow, so don’t be late to do action because late is a failure.
TM Tedy was evaluated by TM Rahmat Hidayat (TM Mato)

3.      BM#9          : Persuade With Power
         Speaker     : TM Raisa Ornella Rico
         Title           : “Stop & Install”

She opened her speech by saying that "Happiness" is a simple word which is not really simple to be translated into the real world. For her, Happiness is a process as it could be changed from time to time. Since Indonesian could always adapt to the situation, so Indonesia won the first place on the Global Happiness Research in 2013 as we could always adapt to the bad situation [flood or worse traffic]. 
However, since human always adapt with new situation, eventually we will find a new thing to be complaint. Then she showed the Marslow Triangle where it was classified the need of humans into 4 levels which was the reason why the people's need are always changes. After that, she gave a tips to have a happier brain:train our brains to appreciate positive experiences by taking the time to focus on them and install them in the brain.
Then she closed her speech by persuading the audience to stop complaining and starting to appreciate good thing in our life and installing it repeatedly to grow the inner strength.
TM Raisa was evaluated by TM Sukardi, ACG ALB

4.      AM #5 Intrepretative Reading – The Oratorical Speech
         Speaker     : CC Glenn Djangkar
         Title           : “Ronal Reagen 1981 – Inaugural Address”

TM Glenn talked about In his 1981 Inaugural Address, President Ronald Reagan expressed the opinion that people are the solution, not the government. Reagan believed that individuals are heroes in their own lives and that it is they that have the power to to bring about positive change to their surroundings.
TM Glenn was evaluated by TM Rakesh Dayal, ACB CL

II.  Spesial Session
         ACS, ALB Steve Kosasih : “This Meeting will Make You              Smarter, Richer & Happier”

III.  Hall Of Fame
TM Reza presented champion trophies to:

Best Speaker                        : TM Tedy Rusdi
Best Evaluator                      : TM Rakesh Dayal, ACB CL

Congrats to all winners 

IV. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 9th  June 2014.

Next Meeting we have special edu session on Humorous Speech “Rock  The Boat !” by Ratu Gumelar, CC CL

Thanks to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all members for participating in JTC meeting.
Thanks to all Visiting Toastmasters for coming to our club.

See you in next fun and educational theme meeting.

Made by Diana Anggraini
Club Secretary : Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2013-2014


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