Minutes of Meeting 23th June ‘14

The Never Ending City
WoD           : HOME

Time                             : 6.30-9.30PM
Attendees                     : 31
Members                       : 23
Visiting TM                    : 3
Guest                            : 5

Opening Remarks : ACB ALB Susana Jahja                                            
TOM: TM Mato

GE: CC CL Glenn Djangkar

         Grammarian : TM Martha Yulianti S.

         Timer: CC Diana Angg.

         Ballot Counter : TM Juan

         Ah & WoD Couter : TM Akbar

I. Prepared Speech Session

1.      BM#1          : The Ice Breaker
         Speaker     : TM Michael Hadiono
         Title           : “Judge The Book by Its Cover

TM Michael talked about cover is really important. He share his tips based on his life experience. 

1. Appearance is a must!
It is not about how handsome or beautiful you are, but it is about how you can dress properly, maintain your body, your hair, etc.

2. How good you are when treat people.
When speak with someone, look at his/her eyes, listen to them, praise them, give positive words and positive attitudes.

Cover is something like a door that you should know in order to know what's inside it.
TM Michael was evaluated by ACB ALB Susanna Jahja

2.      BM#7          : Research Your Topic
         Speaker     : TM Richie Jimmy Walia
         Title           : “Traditional Shopping or Online Shopping

TM Richie talk about that we should stop online shooping because the lack of insecurity is not worthed the choice is up to you but I believe nothing beats the Tradional way of shooping.
TM Richie was evaluated by TM Chairil Aditya

3.      BM#10        : Inspire Your Audience
         Speaker     : TM Raisa Ornella Rico
         Title           : “Race to the Mars

TM Raisa opened her speech by asking "Why NASA spend million of Dollar to explore Mars?". Then, she connect the exploration of Mars with the Human limit. Where human has the limit, the changes on this world is unlimited. So in order to catch up with that, People have to push their limit up. Pushing the limit can be done by analyzing and solving the factors which can be the limitation e.g. afraid of he unkown,   scare of having a failure or hesitate to make mistake. Fairnan in 3 idiots said that "Life is like race, if you don't run fast, you will get trampled". Keep pushing your limiti by facing you fear, having a failure or making mistake so that we can run fast and race to Mars. 
TM Raisa was evaluated by ACB ALB Benazir Syahril

II.  Spesial Session
         ACG CL Robert Purnomobagya
         “Right Toastmastering”

III.  Hall Of Fame
TM Juan presented champion trophies to:

Best Speaker      : TM Michael Hadiono
Best Evaluator    : TM Benazir Syahril

Congrats to all winners 

A New Competent Communicator has just been born  in JTC
         Competent Communicator Raisa Ornella Rico

Installation New Executive Committe 2014-2015

Club President : CC CL Glenn Djangkar
VP of Education : TM Barbara Sakuran 
VP of Membership : TM Indah A. Roesyanto
VP of Public Relation : CC Diana Anggraini
Club Secretary : TM Chairul Aditya  
Treasurer : TM Reza Rizky Pratama
Sergeant at Arms : TM Richie Jimmy Walia

V. Our next meeting will be on Monday, 30th June 2014.

Next Meeting we have Special Edu Session from Sukardi, ACG, ALB

Thanks to our TOM, our VPE, our VPM and all members for participating in JTC meeting.
Thanks to all Visiting Toastmasters for coming to our club.

See you in next fun and educational theme meeting.

Last Minutes of meeting that i made !!
Next week, our new secretary will make his first Minutes of Meeting  

Made by Diana Anggraini
Club Secretary : Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2013-2014


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