JTC Minutes of Meeting - 2 October 2006

Attendees: 20 consisting of 12 JTC members, 2 guests and 6 visiting Toastmasters (2 Kebayoran, 2 Mets, 1 RPX, 1 Experd)

Theme of the meeting: THE SECRET OF BEING CONTENT
Word of the Day: Happy

JTC President Harry Nizam opened the meeting and introduced the TOM of the evening - imported from Metropolitan Club, President Patar. Patar was very content in leading the meeting, always looking happy and smiling. TOM Patar then introduced the GE for the evening - the Treasurer of JTC, TM Edwin. His GE Team consisted of TM Tassya as Grammarian, CTM Imung as Timer, TM Thomas as Ballot Counter and TM Tom as Ah/WOD Counter.

Table Topics Session:
This time we went back to our original line up and started off the meeting with the Table Topics session. And leading the session was another imported Toastmaster from Experd Club - TM Jiway. He asked the audience questions relevant to the theme of the meeting:
TM Tom had the feeling of content when he tackled a speed skating race
TM Aulia explained that if he was a cat, his contentment is sleeping away in a cozy spot
CTM Imung was philosophical and explained how one person's content is another person's discontent
TM Febi shared her thoughts on the contents of content Prepared Speech Session: Our Icebreaker that night was TM Kim. We all know now that Kim means 'gold' in Chinese and that TM Kim comes from Padang and is now working for a German Company. TM Susan delivered her BM#3 speech and shared her daring dreams of being Wonder Woman, travelling overseas and being a TV star. And all her dreams came true! Our imported speaker from Kebayoran Club, CTM Vina, delivered a project from her advance manual 'Interpretive Reading'. She read a play about an old man and a younger man, showing her skills in vocal variety.

After the speech session, President Harry took 5 minutes to ask everyone their thoughts on the "President" - what they think a president is, should be and do.

Evaluation Session:
Evaluations were carried out by the best of the best: DTM Nono who evaluated TM Kim ATMB Etta who evaluated TM Susan DTM Harlina who evaluated CTM Vina We also had Silent Evaluators: TM Rinaldi from RPX evaluated Jiway as Table Topics Master DTM Harlina evaluated Patar as TOM and Edwin as GE. Before the Hall of Fame, VP Education Imung asked everyone to unleash their wild imagination and brainstorm new and exciting things to do in our meetings. Watch out for our meeting where everyone has to be in their pyjamas !!

Hall of Fame (favourites) :
Table Topics Speaker: TM Aulia
Prepared Speech: TM Susan
Evaluator: ATMB Etta

Minutes prepared by :
Natassya Paramita
JTC Club Secretary 2006 - 2007


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