Second Life in Virtual World, Minutes of Meeting 17 October 2016

Having a second life in online virtual world
Word Of The Day: Embody
Opening Remarks: M. F. Akbar Datau, CC
Toasmasters Of The Meeting: TM Ramasdin Saragih
General Evaluator:  M. Fatah Akbar, CC, CL
Grammarian: Fia Mahanani, CC
Timer: Maria Yulianti Sinaga, CC, CL
Ah/Wod Counter: TM Jannie Fahdiana
Ballot Counter:  TM Cindy Gamal

Prepared Speech Session
1. Basic Manual # 4: How to Say It
Speaker: TM Martha Trisan
Speech Title: "Passion”
TM Martha believes that one should live in pursue of passion. When she was studying, she started a part time job as a private tutor because she needed money for living. She felt uncertain because she has never taught before, especially after her first student showed her books that was fully in English. It was beyond her expectations but she preserved. She realizes that she liked teaching and was passionate about it. She found satisfaction from hearing about her students’ successes. After graduating, she became an account representative, which required her to give consultations and socializations about tax to public. She enjoys and is passionate about her job which is just like teaching. TM Martha concluded that we should never underestimate ourselves and challenge difficulties because we might find our passion.
Evaluated By: Yusuf Chandra, DTM
2. Basic Manual # 2: Organize Your Speech
Speaker: TM Citra William
Speech Title: "Attractive Appeal for Men Fashion”
TM William delivered his speech on how to be attractive for men. He opened his speech highlighting that no matter how kind or how good the heart is, it cannot attract your dream partner of spouse if your outer self is not pleasing. You should look nice so your partner would like to look at you. Using the shorthand HI Fanta, we should remember to be Hygenic, Immaculate and Fragrant. TM William highlighted than men should be clean, neat and tidy, as well as fragrant with his story.
Evaluated By: Ivan N. Rachmat, CC, ALB
3. Basic Manual # 7: Research Your Topic
Speaker: TM Sisilia Purnama Noviani
Speech Title: "Coffee, is it good or bad for you?”
TM Novi delivered her speech on the benefits and risks of coffee. The benefits of coffee includes boosted physical performance, increased metabolic rate, increased fat burning, boosted mood and helped fight depression, and reduced risk of colorectal cancer, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The risks include bedwetting for 5-7 years old kids, insomnia, restlessness, panic attack, and risk of death from overconsumption. TM Novi concluded with ways to reduce the risks. She advised us to not give coffee to children, be aware of your caffeine sensitivity and the amount and type of coffee that suits you, your maximum amount of cups a day and to drink good quality coffee to get the benefits.
Evaluated By: Kardinal Kardinal, ACB, CL

Edu Speech Session
Speaker: Benazir Syahril, ACB, CL
Speech Title: "Drafting your Speech”
TM Bena gave tips on how to draft your speech. First, you should be strategic, know your speech’s duration, delivery occasion, audience, and topic.The topic can be about your life, interests, family, education,love life, be about other people’s lives, or a combination of both. You can jot down and create a list of thoughts, ideas, or critics as you go about in your daily life. From there, create a speech purpose first. Afterwards, organize the structure of the speech into opening, body, and conclusion. The opening should tell the audience what you’re going to tell the audience. The body will tell them the main ideas. The conclusion will tell them what you’ve told them. The last tips is to write for the ears and not the eyes. Since they’ll be hearing your speech, you want the audience to understand you right away. After writing and editing your speech, read it aloud and listen to yourself. TM Bena concluded by remind the audience to know what is expected from you when delivering the speech, organize the structure, and write for the ears not the eyes.

Table Topic Session
The table topic session was led by Richie Jimmy Walia, ACS, ALB.

Hall of Fame
Congratulations to the winners:
Best Speaker: TM Sisilia Purnama Noviani
Best Table Topics Speaker TM : TM Ferry Kurniawan
Best Evaluator: Yusuf Chandra, DTM
We would like to thank all the members and guests who have come. We would also like to give special appreciation and gratitude to the TOM And GE, who have successfully prepare the meeting and assign meeting roles to members and also to all the speakers and role takers for helping to run the meeting smoothly.

Made By:
TM Cindy Gamal
Club Secretary

Jakarta Toastmasters Club 2016-2017


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