Minutes of Meeting 11 May 2009


I believe last night we may have set a new record in the Toastmasters meetings at JTC - we had 3 members attend, 2 guests, 1 area governor, and no exco. That's right - a grand total of 6 people.

I was flabbergasted (count 'one' for the word of the day for me). Nevertheless, we continued. The theme was travel, and we had a table topics session where we all participated (including the table topics master), and evaluated each other's speeches. We can certainly all learn from each other.

Khrisma (our long term guest and member of Unilever Toastmasters) delivered her speech on Prague - what a beautiful city! Thanks to Yuli who is always willing to take a role, Harlina who always provides positive helpful evaluations, Johan whose commitment I continue to admire, Jeremy who came as a returning guest, and Khrisma for her speech.

Hope to see you at the next meeting.

Matthew Price


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