Minutes of Meeting, May 04, 2009

Hello again everyone!

So, how’s life? Well, whatever happens in your life, don’t worry. Just face it with positive attitude! Sing Like No One’s Listening, Dance Like No One’s Watching. That was the message that our Toastmaster of the Meeting (TOM) tried to convey during our last meeting, and that was also the theme of our meeting. Our TOM was none other than CC Vanessa, one of our best speakers!

She began the meeting with a little exercise. She asked us to say “I’m sad” while putting a smile on our face and to say “I’m happy” while putting a sullen look on our face. She then explained that simple gesture can help us to tune-in our emotion to be positive. After that, she explained a little about the theme, and called upon the General Evaluator (GE).

Our GE was TM Fathia, a new and very active member of our club. She was helped by DTM Harlina as Grammarian, TM Ivan as Timer, Guest Marshall as Ballot Counter, and CC Dyah as Ah and Word of the Day Counter. The word of the day was “performance”.

The Table Topics Session was led by TM Men Jung. He had prepared himself very well before the meeting, and his session was smooth and solid. He first gave a little narration that led to a question, and then he called a volunteer to answer that question. Five questions were asked, and five people came up to deliver a speech. They are : CTM/CL Imung, Guest Ilham, ACS/ALB Vina, Guest Jeremy, and Guest Marshall.

After that, we had a joke session, led by CC Matthew, a very keen supporter of joke sessions. His call for volunteers was responded by two ladies, CC/CL Astuty and CC Vanessa.

We had two prepared speeches, and all of them were icebreakers. TM Elbert talked about the difference between man and boy. He was evaluated by CC/CL Astuty. TM Colin explained the meaning of “MBA” (not that educational title) that related with his life. He was evaluated by ACB/ALB Johan.

We had a special session by ATMB/CL Etta. She is a very energetic person, and it shows in the way she leads her sessions, including this one. She divided us into groups of two to three. And then she asked us to sing! But the rule was: one group can only sing one line, and then that group should point to another group to continue. So, we sang one line in each turn, one group after another, to make a whole song. That was fun! The song was “Love” by Nat King Cole.

Now, for the hall of fame. The best Table Topics Speaker was CTM/CL Imung. The best Prepared Speaker was TM Colin. The best Evaluator was ACB/ALB Johan. Congratulation to all!

Well, that was all for now. See you again in our next meeting!

Dyah Yasmina
Club Secretary


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