JTC Minutes of Meeting - 15 January 2007

Attendees : 19 (JTC 14, guest 4, Toastmaster guests 1– Kebayoran )

Theme of the meeting : Habit 7th : Sharpen the Saw
Word of the day (Wod) : RESOLUTE (=determined)

Stephen Covey’s 7th habit really inspired the Toastmaster of the Meeting, CC Alistair. Therefore he encouraged all of us to use many Toastmasters’ and non-Toastmasters facilities such as websites, magazines, books, to sharpen our communication and leadership skills.

General Evaluator ATMB/CL Intan was very observant, with a big help from a whole team:
Grammarian CTM /CL Imung, Timer TM Kim, Ballot Counter TM Edwin and Ah and Wod Counter TM Charles
And individual evaluators ACB Vina (BM # 2), CTM Jhonson (BM # 6) and ATMB/CL Becca (BM # 10).

The Table Topic Session was led by an impromptu lady : DTM yours truly.
Also inspired by the 7th habit, sharpen the saw…
constantly renewing and improving of skills in the 4 basic area’s of our lives :
Physical, social/emotional, mental, spiritual…
- Guest William commented on how to prepare his stamina for the walking (busway) culture in Jakarta.
- TM Charles explained how one can train listening skills in Toastmasters
- CTM/CL Imung tried to diffuse the anger of a dissatisfied customer of her catering
- TM Susan clarified how a speech contest can boost self confidence
- ACB Vina is prepared to take any chance to improve herself… even presenting at a workshop in a Toastmasters convention in 2007

Prepared speech session :
TM Utami, in her BM # 2 (organize your speech) , “Love yourself” , gave us useful tips how to be good to yourself
TM Susan in her BM6 (vocal variety) , “ If tomorrow never comes” reminded us to show our love and kindness to our love ones.
TM Naufal in his BM # 10 (inspire your audience), “ defeat your deepest fear” , stimulated us to “rise and shine” !

Congratulations CC Naufal for obtaining your Competent Communicator status !!! A great farewell present to JTC before leaving for Australia for studies…

Hall of Fame :
Most favorite :
Table Topic speaker : ACB Vina
Prepared speaker : TM Susan
Evaluator : CTM Jhonson

Minutes prepared by immediate past JTC secretary
DTM Harlina


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