Minutes of JTC Meeting, 7 July 2008

I hope you enjoy your day! After all, bad day or good day, you’re the one who decide it. It’s all about attitude, isn’t it so?
“Attitude is Everything” was the theme for the last JTC meeting, on 7th of July 2008. ACB/CL Harry, the Toastmaster of the Meeting, chose the theme because he sees that positive attitude helps us uncover our potentials and shape the future. The word of the day was “Phenomenal” which is perfectly in line with the theme. They say that positive attitude draws phenomenal results!
The meeting started at exactly 7:00 pm. Our president CC/ALB Alistair opened the meeting, invited guests to introduce themselves, and then led the induction session of a new member, TM Sunardi. All 13 members who came agreed to accept the new member and to help him develop himself in Toastmaster. Other than those regular members, there were also an addition of two transferred members and three guests.
Our General Evaluator was none other than the energetic ATMB/CL Henrietta. She opened her session with a new way to greet a friend, while reminding the attendants to turn off their mobile phones during the meeting. After explaining her roles, she introduced her teams: ACS Wivina as Grammarian, TM Katarina as Timer, TM Taufan as Ah/WOD Counter, and TM Dyah as Ballot Counter.
Next, came the Table Topic Session. The Table Topic Master was TM Yuli, who has just been transferred from Surabaya. She threw questions which forced all attendants to think and to imagine how they react in a certain situations. She really made them delve into their attitudes and inclinations. Speakers for this session were TM Matthew, ACB/ALB Johan, CC Thomas, TM Sisca, and TM Ivan.
There were two prepared speakers in the following session. TM Matthew delivered his BM#3 “Toastmasters 101” in which he explained how to diminish your fear when speaking in front of public. I just think he should have added a one-liner in his speech: “Boys and Girls, please don’t try to do this at home.” His evaluator was DTM Nono Sarwono. The second speaker was a visiting Toastmaster, TM Bhavna, who delivered her AM#4 (The Entertaining Speaker) “Poor Little Rich Guys”. She gave a vivid description of today’s life where being rich doesn’t always correlate with being happy. She was evaluated by ACB Jhonson.
After the general evaluation was over, ballot’s result was announced. Best Table Topic Session was TM Sisca, Best Prepared Speaker was TM Bhavna, and Best Evaluator was ACB Jhonson. After the TOM returned the stage to the President, there was still one announcement of appreciation. Starting this week onward, in each meeting, there will be the President’s Award, given to those who give his/her best effort in supporting the meeting or the club in general. Last Monday, the first member to receive such appreciation was the TOM, ACB/CL Harry.
Before closing the meeting, our president reminded everyone about the upcoming Semi Annual Conference in Bali in October, and the District’s Club Officer Training Program this weekend. It was a phenomenal meeting, as always. Be sure to come to our regular meetings. They keep your spirit up. Yours truly,The secretary


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