Rhythm - 21st August 2017

The Sound of Music!

The melody that makes us feel happy, accompany us when we sad, it has and always been an undivided part in our live. Our Madam ToM, TM Oshira brought us to the enchantment of rhythm in the meeting tonight!

Today's meeting was a special one. There were two inaugural Pathway project of Ice Breaker! TM Yulianti and TM Haryanto as our new members were delightfully delivered their first speech in our new curriculum. As usual, we have Prepared Speech, Table Topics and Evaluation session.

Prepared Speech Session

Speaker 1
We had TM Haryanto Wijaya delivering his Pathways:The Ice breaker project with speech title: I am not a Bodyguard. He was evaluated by TM Richie Jimmy Walia, ACG, ALB

Speaker 2
TM Yulianti Suharlim also presented her Pathways:The Ice breaker project, with a very touching speech entitled Follow Your Heart. She was evaluated by TM Abdul Manap Pulungan

Speaker 3:
TM Anne Aprina brought her BM#3 : Get to the point project to the next level with speech title: (Don't) Get to The Point! She was evaluated by TM Kartika Pratiwi

Speaker 4
TM Reggy Hasibuan enrich us with knowledge about viral things on his  AM Technical Presentations # 5 project, entitled: Sustainable Virals. He  discussed virality in social digital platforms, specifically Youtube. For the reference, the link below is from one of the Youtube channel that he is currently managing:


And this is an example of a recent viral video that discussed on his speech:


He was evaluated by TM  Ian Figgins

Speaker 5:
We have amazing TM Benazir Syahril presented her AM#2: Storytelling - Let's Get Personal,
with the speech title: When Judging is not Helpful
She was evaluated by TM Thomas Alfiandes

Table Topics Session

Best of the Meeting

Best speaker : TM Reggy Hasibuan
Best table topic speaker : TM Cindy Gamal
Best evaluator : TM Qilan Umara Ridwan

Congratulations for all the best speakers of tonight!
We would like to thank our members and guests that came tonight. Also PB Taxand which provide us an awesome place to held our meeting. See you on next week!

ToM : TM  Gusti Oshira Noor
Theme : The Sound of Music
WoD: Rhythm

GE : Galih Adi Prasetya
Grammarian:  Grahani Garibaldi
Timer : TM Devi Elvira
Ballot Counter : TM Johan Kindaichi
Ah & wod counter : TM Hafitz Setiawan
TTM: Chairil Aditya Arifin, CC, CL


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