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Managing your Boss - 04th Dec 2017

The wonderful evening was a little bit of different with the usual meeting. As our venue accidentaly changed to another place. It has been a very long time when we are able to do our meeting as well as having dinner at the exact same moment. Yeah we were having meeting at D'Cost! Gathering with JTC family never gets really bored. The food was delightful, chattering mutters between members enhanced the enthusiasm as we spent the night with marvellous speeches. Speaking about the night's theme, it is about 'managing your boss'. Bosses can be difficult as hell to deal with. When it comes with your relationship with boss, it has almost no significance different with maintaining relationship with our spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. But sadly, it can be  worse because we have no right to choose our own boss as we may have right to choose our own soulmate. Then how to cope with that issue? TM Ramasdin as our ToM gave us some insightful applicable suggestions. WoD: Mut...

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