Why Writing - 20th November 2017

Writing has been a part of our life. We write a lot of things, letters, stories, reports, articles, opinions, essays, until scientific papers. There are actually a lot of skills needed to produce a good writing, such as correct grammar, range of vocabulary, accurate punctuation, correct layout, correct register, accurate spelling, good range of sentence structures, linking, imagination, planning, drafting, proof reading and communication.

One of the thoughest thing to write is a scientific paper, but it helps us to develop our critical thinking skill. The challenge is to write in a tactful way and being concise.

Our ToM tonight also made us to be more interested and encouraged to write eventhough it is tough. Some of our JTC members have published their own book, such as TM Imung HIkmah with her HICUS, TM Richie Jimmy Walia and TM Qilan Umara.

Prepared Speech

Speaker 1:Nisrina Ramadhyanti (Dhyan)
Pathway  1 Ice Breaker
Speech title:  Get To Know Me

She is sometimes a rude, independent girl, loves to dance, and a cat person. Dhyan is an awesome dancer, both modern and traditional. She studied at pharmacist, University of Indonesia, specifically in clinical and industrial pharmacy. She loves her job because she loves to meet person everyday.

Evaluator:  Benazir Syahrir,ACB,ALB

Speaker 2 :Hafitz Setiawan
Path1 Project 2: Speech on Certain Topic
Speech title: Toastmaster Is

Toastmasters according to TM Hafitz Setiawan.

Evaluator: TM Raissa Devy

Speaker 3:TM Devi Elvira
Path 2 Learning your style,Speech about Leadership style
Objective:Identify ones primary leadership style
-Share some aspects of ones leadership style
-Tell ones style preferences when working with others and how to adapt in to certain situation

Speech title: Leadership

Leadership is a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.
What is the meaning of leadership? It is to influence other. The leader is the inspiration and director of the action.

Evaluator:TM Kardinal ACB,CL

Speaker 5.Harmina Montang
BM4:How to say it
Speech title: Because I am a woman

One of her friend like her, the handsome man, but none of her friends believe in that. You’re crazy, boyish, said them. I don’t know, God created me like this, I am boyish. If you may chose, what do you want to be?
A man or a woman?
Being a woman has a lot of advantages, we can be strong and independent. Despite all the advantages, we still can stand up and getting stronger than you think.

Evaluator:  M.Fatah Akbar.ACB,CL

Speaker 2:TM Thomas Alfiandes
AM# 3:The Sales Training

Evaluator: Dina Novita, ACB, ALB

Table Topics Session

 Siska Guest,  How you write an ‘apple’?

Guest Hironobu-san, does a writer need a critical thinking? Yes or no?

Guest Kumaga-san, It is not what you write but how you write.

TM Fia Mahanani,  If you want to write a speech on the spot right now, what it would be? Table topic speech.

TM Richie Jimmy, if you needs to write a letter to anyone that you like what it would be?
Anyone can write anything, when you say it to a person directly, it is different but you can feel it if it is genuine or not

 The amazing role takers :

Hall of Fame

Speaker: TM Hafitz
Evaluator: TM Benazir Syahril
TT: Mr Kumaga

Congratulations for all the best speakers of tonight!
We would like to thank our members and guests that came tonight. Also PB Taxand which provide us an awesome place to held our meeting. See you on next week!


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