Indonesian Economy in 2018 - 18th December 2017

Dec 18th,2017 (The last meeting in 2017)

Hi all readers!

Now we are coming to the end of 2017, and in a fleeting moment we will welcoming the new 2018. It has been a wonderful year for me (I am the writer), lots of ups but a lot more downs. Even I personally wish if I could go back to those moments and fix things to make it better. But, it's all the previous, and all we need to do is facing new things ahead. Never give up on whatever dreams you want to pursue!

Menara Imperium 29th Floor
Jl.Rasuna Said Jakarta

Tonight, we had a fancy WoD, which was 'bottlenecks', a problem that delays progress. Speaking of this term, there are numerous aspects which very closely related in Indonesia. From the bottleneck in a roadway that causes insanely severe traffic, to the macro economic factors. 2018 is much more challenging for Indonesia to reach the highest economic growth both from global and domestic circumstances. We face the global challenge such as declining of advanced economies, and domestic challenge regional election. By delivering this theme, our ToM believes the audiences can get much insightful regarding Indonesian economic and to keep them optimistic.

Prepared Speech Session

Speaker 1.Ilham Akbar
Path 1Project 1:Ice breaker
Speech title: Young Wild and Free..!!
Sometimes we wanna be everyone we like, a rockstar, magician, scientist, engineer etc. And in the same time we want to be liked by everyone. Finally we forgot the most important thing, that is being our self. Be clear and focus about what you want, and don't be affraid to make your own move. Always follow your heart and take action, go to live your life, because we are young, wild, and freee...!!!

Evaluator: Kartika Pratiwi,CC

Speaker 2:TM Kevin Tan
Path 1.Project 1 The Ice Breaker
Speech title: The Truth Behind Reason
Self-Improvement and self-acceptance are the reasons why he joined Toastmasters in this year.  A momentous speech, which he brought in front of audience, made an important history to reveal the truth of his journey.

Evaluator:  Kardinal ACB,CL

Speaker 3: Sri Hartono
Path1 Project 2:Speech on certain topic
Speech title:Listen
Why We Need to Upgrade our Listening Skill?
First, we have to listen well to create a better communication with other people. Second, by having a good listening skill, we can gather a lot of information that we really need, which the information not always given in document and we cannot simply read it. Third, listening can help us to solve problem, especially when you are working as cosultant, or even better just by listening you help yourself is solving your daily problem. Finally, like wiseman says, why we have two ears and one mouth, we have to listen more and speak less.

Evaluator: Chairil Aditya,CC

Speaker 4:M.F.Akbar Datau, CL, ACB
Path Level 1 Project 2
Speech title: Vacant

Jakarta is always have traffic jam in its road. To reduce it the government is trying to increase its infrastructure for public transportation. Because at this time the public transportation is only 2% from the whole vehicle that is on the road of jakarta. So we have to support the government to increase the infrastructure for public transport by using it.

Evaluator: Richie Jimmy Walia, ACG, ALB

Speaker 5:TM.Ramasdin Saragih
AM3:The Winning Proposal
Speech title:"B to B deal"
Winning Proposal...

1.Proposal based on the needs of customer
2. We have the objective
3.What the customer should do
4.What are changes and result customer get

Evaluator: Thomas Alfiandes,ACS,CL

Hall of Fame

Evaluator: TM Richie Jimmy Walia
Prepared Speech : TM Ilham
TTM : Guest Angel

Congratulations for all the best speakers of tonight!
We would like to thank our members and guests that came tonight. Also PB Taxand which provide us an awesome place to held our meeting.

A lot more photos...

SEE YOU IN 2018!!

After party!


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