Managing your Boss - 04th Dec 2017

The wonderful evening was a little bit of different with the usual meeting. As our venue accidentaly changed to another place. It has been a very long time when we are able to do our meeting as well as having dinner at the exact same moment. Yeah we were having meeting at D'Cost!

Gathering with JTC family never gets really bored. The food was delightful, chattering mutters between members enhanced the enthusiasm as we spent the night with marvellous speeches. Speaking about the night's theme, it is about 'managing your boss'. Bosses can be difficult as hell to deal with. When it comes with your relationship with boss, it has almost no significance different with maintaining relationship with our spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. But sadly, it can be  worse because we have no right to choose our own boss as we may have right to choose our own soulmate.

Then how to cope with that issue? TM Ramasdin as our ToM gave us some insightful applicable suggestions.

WoD: Mutual(Adj):Two people doing the same thing to each other
 Exampli gratia:People join Toastmasters to get mutual support

 "A compatible relationship with your Boss is essential to being effective in your job, to manage your Boss?"

Prepared speech session

Speaker 2:TM Qilan Umara Ridwan.CC,CL
AM#2:Specialty speech
Uplift The Spirit
Speech title: an Inmate
Everyone is an inmate to their own prison, they are criminals for killing hope. But only if people know that life wont change if we keep hiding behind the bars. Life is all about taking chance to get out and be strong. This strong speech given by TM Qilan definitely made us think more about our responsibility to respect ourselves, as we are and keep on striving to be the best, not always judgemental and dissappointed to ourselves (the writer is actually speaking to herself :D).

Evaluator:TM Kardinal,ACB,CL

Speaker 3:Clifford Luhur
BM 4:How to say it
Speech title:  "Eight styles of interior designs"

Evaluator: Kartika Pratiwi

Speaker 4:Thomas Alfiandes,ACS,CL
AM#1 Interpersonal communication,Conversing with ease
Speech title: Acquintance in certain event

TM Thomas gave us some insights about an intimacy when you acquitanced with stranger in acertain event. The tips he elaborated was all about approaching in internal personal skill, which consists of fomula such as small talk, seeking the common interest,  giving opinion and then continue to the deeper engagement.

Evaluator: Richie J Walia,ACG,ALB

Speaker 5:Dina Novita Sari,ACB,ALB
High Performance Leadership
Speech title:Unleash your potential

In 13 years from now, in 2030, Indonesia is predicted to become 7th largest ecoomy in the world. 202-2030 period is the period when the number of people in the productive age between 15 and 65 years will account for about 70 percent of the population, while 30 percent of the population is unproductive. This demographic bonus is believed to benefit the economy of Indonesia where we can start to tackkle major problem like poverty, health and inequality.

As a concrete step to contribute for a vision to equipped the Indonesian youth with better life skills and inspiration to get better education, she plans to conduct a seminar with a title of 'UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL'. This seminar will consist of two session: first session is a session on how you can manage your time and energy for better life quality. This session will equipped you with practical skills on how you can unleash your potential by better management of time and energy.

Evaluator:  Chairil Adtya ,CC,CL

The hall of fame

Here are the best speakers!
Best prepared speech : TM Dina Novita Sari
Best evaluator : TM Chairil Aditya
Best table topic speaker : Guest (forgot his name sorry T_T)

Few glimpses of our awesome meeting! 

Check out our most comprehensive ah and wood counter, TM Randy. Do you dare yourself to be make superb improvisation next time when you are taking a role?

Congratulations for all the best speakers of tonight!
Well done to all the role-takers!
We would like to thank our members and guests that came tonight. Also DCost Semanggi which provided us a pleasant place and succulent food in our meeting. See you on the next week!

The before party!


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